RITUALS - Responsive Live Action Installation exploring personal moments in front of the bathroom mirror. Simulating the glass steaming up, visitors movements cause the interactive vapour to evaporate and reveal life size live action behind. Awards: Cannes Gold Lion 2010
Momentums is an experiential audiovisual that takes over the surrounding videowall and touch sensitive tables at regular intervals. Dramatising different states of water (Rain & Ice), they envelop up is a sensorial return to nature.
PRODUCT - The upper floor houses a selection of Rocas avant garde and sustainable designs. Running the perimeter of the showroom, a 70 screen continuos videowall shows a series of 3D pieces that explore Roca's products from an elegant choreographed and sculptural perspective.
Roca Galleries_Overview
Between 2008 and 2011 Roca began constructing of a series of buildings to project their brand values and represent them iconically as the world leader in the creation of bathroom spaces. International architects and interior designers Carlos Ferrater, Ferruz Carles, Carlos Lamela and Zaha Hadid, were brought in and the Roca Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon and London Galleries were born.
Roca's advertising agency Tiempo BBDO, Initially focussed on the production for the flagship Roca Barcelona Gallery, then progressively rolled out contents to the other showrooms and finally to Zaha Hadid's London gallery.
The purpose built Barcelona gallery occupies 2,400 square metres, in a three-storey building designed by Carlos Ferrater's Office of Architecture in Barcelona (OAB),
The audiovisual content was produced by Boolab and included over 60 minutes of super-high resolution material for multi-screen systems, comprising 32 minutes of physical 3D simulations, and 40 minutes of live action for projections, videowalls, interactive tables, and installations. As director, I headed up the team of around forty people from different disciplines and specialisations put together by Boolab.